Welcome to Business Start Up Saudi Arabia

A central point of contact for creative individuals, entrepreneurial ventures, innovative start-ups and established businesses with aims and intentions or objects and plans in and around the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

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Information Provider

We prepare and provide the most relevant information on the (business) ecosystem and the most recent developments in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under News and on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & Co.

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Conductor & Multiplier

We introduce you to the creative individuals, entrepreneurial ventures, innovative start-ups and established businesses and our network of professionals and subject matter experts and specialists.

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Collaborator & Cooperator

We promote and support the aims and intentions of our clients and customers. We introduce you to our businesses and projects and the partners, sponsors, investors, advisors or consultants and regulators.

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Event Promoter

We prepare and provide an overview of events and initiatives with relevance for you and the most relevant stakeholders in the (business) ecosystem in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


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Arloopa Logo


Arloopa Inc. is an augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) application and game development company. It delivers advanced AR and VR products and services including but not limited to cloud-based...

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