
We prepare and provide the most relevant information on the (business) ecosystem and the most recent developments in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under News and on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & Co. Please click on the link and reach out to our experts and specialists to discuss your story. It would be our pleasure to share it with others!

Saudi Arabia innovates agriculture with organic farms

Saudi Arabia’s SAR 750 million (USD 200 million) strategy for innovation in agriculture has seen the number of organic farms increase by 28 percent to 312 over the last few years.

The plan aims to increase the capacity of organic farming by 300 percent, to provide sustainable food and to contribute...

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Launch of Business Start Up Saudi Arabia

Launch of Business Start Up Saudi Arabia

Dear businessmen and women, colleagues, friends and followers!

We are pleased to announce the launch of Business Start Up Saudi Arabia

It is the next chapter in our journey to become a key stakeholder in the (business) ecosystem in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and to remain a central point of contact for...

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The impact of the digital transformation on Saudi Arabia’s economy

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has the potential to double the size of the economy to SAR 6 trillion (USD 1.6 trillion), if it endorses, promotes and supports the digital transformation in the country.

This outlook was predicted in an Ernst & Young report commissioned by Automation Anywhere, a global specialist in robotic process automation (RPA) in Silicon Valley.

The study examined the impact...

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Economic diversification is key to the growth of Saudi Arabia’s economy

Economic diversification is key to the development of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the diversification of the economy. It is expected to have positive effects which will lead to long-term benefits for the country.

The latest statistics show that the country is continuously diversifying the sources of income. In 2020, the non-oil gross domestic product (GDP) accounted for 59% of the total GDP...

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Saudi Arabia’s economic outlook in line with the Saudi Vision 2030

Experts forecast that the economy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will grow more significantly in the next years as the country looks towards economic diversification, self-sufficiency and sustainability in a bid to minimize the reliance on oil.

It is expected that most sectors will expand and witness more substantial growth in the future. The latest statistics suggest that the financial, insurance,...

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